Wilder Sommer
path of the wild, luminous, radiant, devine human,
secret path of the ophidians,
path of the dreampunks, hobomancer, dark shamans,
path of the primal witches and sorcerers,
the guardinans and dancers of gaias dreamtime,
path of the the shadow tribes, of the renegade tribes, of the healing tribes
...... preparing ourselves for the dystopian autumn,
..... fighting the apocalyptic matrix tyranny,
.... creating our owne clandestine reality.
... living as goddesses and gods on earth,
.. dreaming and dancing our new life into existance!
... hear the drums, the music, the songs, the wild dancers,
follow the call of the Summerking and the Fairie Queene Aradia,
become one of their folks at their secret places,
explore life, passion, beauty, magick, freedom,
celebrate the feast of flesh and spirit!
...... choose your owne adventure !
Hi Fremde(r),
herzlich willkommen .... !
um die Idee eines Drop-Out Indie Lifestyle / Break Away Culture Netzwerks mit Leben zu füllen und sinnvoll und zielstrebig im Sinne einer Collage, eines Patchworks und Rhizoms vorantreiben zu können, werden freie Geister, wilde Herzen, träumende Körper gesucht, die Lust haben sich aktiv am Aufbau des friend2friend Netzwerks / Forums zu beteiligen, sich ästhetisch / philosophisch mit dem Thema "path of the wild human" zu beschäftigen, das Konzept für ein "path of the wild human" - bootcamp zu entwickeln und z.B. als einen ersten, möglichen Schritt in die richtige Richtung ein
verrücktes, clandestines p2p radio (path of the wild, lumimous, radiant, divine human, economy of excess (georges bataille), new economy of survival, anti-politics, folk punk, trance tribes, garage culture, decentrale danceparty, tropicalia, dark tango, bachata, tecno brega, etc.) aufzubauen .
anti-system-slavery movement
Neue Zusammenhänge und Übergänge schaffen, neue Wahrnehmumgen ermöglichen, neue Erfahrungsräume und Zugänge eröffnen! Dies ist ein längerfristiges Projekt, welches aber diesen Sommer beginnen könnte! Wer fühlt sich angesprochen? Wer macht mit?
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... the path of the romantic dogs, watching the secrets of evil,
living and fighting for the truth of the present moment,
celebrating the passion for life ... living a mexican manifesto, ... reclaiming hobohemia!
(pirates of savannah)
... meet me silently, short after midnight at the crossroad,
near the old house, at the entrance to the secret garden of good and evil,
the forbidden places of truth, beauty, power and wisdom,
later we will go to celebrate at the ancient stone circle in the fields ....
freedom business /
freedom communities / freedom culture
no shoes, no shirt, no problems
… another beer in mexico …
… cause you and tequila make me crazy
run like poison in my blood
one more night could kill me, baby
one is one too many, one more is never enough!

summer noir, dark kisses, mas amor !
love in a dark time,
days of wine and roses,
a different kind of freedom!
the house of the night, the tribes of gaia,
the path of thorn and flame, the war has started,
let the music play!
dark nights of poesie and art,
celebrating the secret soul of the city!
Vivismo muerto:
the path of beauty, truth, freedom, pleasure, pain,
passion, desire, ecstasy, magick, power!